TESDA Computer Course - IT Training Centers, Fees, Duration and Where to Enroll

Many free courses are offered in the Philippines but to enroll for TESDA computer course and get a scholarship to study for FREE, here are the details that you might need before you go and make your inquiry. In this article, we expect to have all your frequently asked questions answered and leave no loose ends so we also expect you to help us develop this page to become a prime destination for high school graduate Pinoys all over the country to get a second chance at attaining the skill to get hired for a job that pays just like a regular college graduate.

(full TESDA logo credits to www.tesda.gov.ph website, the official site of this government agency)

What is Information Technology?

The growth of interest in studies for IT related courses started back in the 80's when the world of computers boomed and got the attention of the world. In the Philippines, the slow moving transfer of latest information about computers, software and hardware is still on its baby stage, meaning there is still a big space to fill in order to develop a lot of skilled labor.

TESDA helps make it happen by putting up with the demand for coming up with cheap labor through high school graduates who do not have the money to continue studying but have the inkling interest to be included in the online scholarship program being offered to bonafide and qualified students willing to train and finish TESDA computer course.

When we talk about information technology (IT) courses, we talk about computers and everything that revolves around it. With the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority under Secretary Joel Villanueva, IT courses were being given one of the top priority to be offered to qualified scholars. Here, they will be given allowance plus free tuition fee during and while under training to any of the listed TESDA courses they want to enroll in. If you want to see what requirements you need to come up with in order to qualify, please visit the official TESDA website here - www.tesda.gov.ph.

IT Sub Courses

There are basically just 5 sub category courses in the IT training being offered by TESDA for the school year 2014-2015 and if you are interested to enroll in any of these, just click on the blue underlined link to see more details.

  1. Basic Computer Operation
  2. Computer Hardware Servicing
  3. Web Development using HTML5 and CSS3
  4. CAD / CAM Operation
  5. Animation (3D DIGITAL)

Where to Enroll for TESDA Computer Course?

By now it must be understood that there is a very big difference between a TESDA branch from an accredited training center, school or institution. Most of the time, if you are looking to study for free in the Philippines through the scholarship programs of TESDA, you will have to make your inquiry in any designated nearest branch near your area of residence. Otherwise, you might end up with just an accredited institution wherein you will be obliged to pay for high tuition fees just to be included in their study program.

Tip: Only go to authorized TESDA branch. You can find our list here - https://www.mypilipinas.com/tesda-branches.html. Or you can directly view details below.

Computer Course Training Centers in Manila and Provinces

We have the complete listing and directory of all the current branches and offices of TESDA below. Please be guided accordingly and click on any blue link to see their full contact details of a particular branch that possibly offers TESDA computer course.

Computer Course Syllabus and Training Coverage Modules

Every short term vocational course that you can take in any designated TESDA training center had a curriculum and syllabus along with the program. All these TESDA courses also had time frame to finish or duration of study. Below is for the TESDA computer course list of modules to take while enrolled in this vocational course.

  • Module 1 - Installing Computer Systems and Networks - This module will teach you how to install, assemble and test computers and common peripherals.
  • Module 2 - Configuring Computer Systems and Networks - This module will teach you how to configure computer systems and networks.   
  • Module 3 - Diagnosing and Troubleshooting Computer Systems - This module will teach you how to diagnose computer systems and networks.
  • Module 4 - Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks - This module will teach you how to maintain computer systems and networks.

You may also read more about Philippine Education articles that we have already put up to get a glimpse of our current educational status as a developing country in Asia.




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