If you are visiting a Laguna resort, try Villa Querol in Pansol, Calamba, Laguna is the nearest in Metro Manila. They have affordable rates for accommodation, food and entrance fee. Their location is convenient and easy to reach making them ideal resort place for your barkadas, family and friends.
They have outdoor swimming
pool for adults and children, amenities, meeting rooms for your
collective / private functions, free parking area, 24-hour security to
guard you within the vicinity of place.
Contact Information
Location Address: Calamba City Dental Care Clinic, 36 Burgos St, Lungsod ng Calamba 4027
Contact Numbers: (049) 834 1076 / (6349) 834-1076
If you really want to know how to get to Villa Querol resort, just take a look the guide map that we provided below for knowing the correct direction or way the place. If you travel by your own car, be sure follow the map guide or the route to avoid straying.